View from Review Mountain, Whitefish Range, MT © Stormy Good Monod 1999-2024
Organizations which could use your money for trail maintenance (summer and winter):
Montana Conservation Corps: http://mtcorps.org/ (works pretty much darn everywhere in and around the Flathead)
Bob Marshall Foundation: http://www.bmwf.org/ (focuses on trail maintenance in the greater Bob Marshall Ecosystem)
Foys to Blacktail Trails: http://www.foystoblacktailtrails.org/ (covers summer trail system from Kalispell to Lakeside)
Glacier National Park Conservancy: https://glacier.org/ (helps with trail maintenance & educational programs in Glacier National Park)
North Shore Nordic Club: http://northshorenordic.org/ (covers Lakeside and Bigfork area Nordic ski areas)
Glacier Nordic Club: www.glaciernordicclub.com/ (covers Whitefish and Columbia Falls area groomed Nordic ski areas)